One Basis Cash: An algorithmic stablecoin

5 min readJun 8, 2021


Algorithmic stablecoins are uncharted territory in the world of crypto. The idea behind algorithmic stablecoins is to buy coins without caring about rapid fluctuations in the price of a token. The companies offering stablecoins have an underlying algorithm that is designed to curate the market and keep it stable for coin holders. One Basis Cash is an ideal example of this. YFiONE has recently announced its stablecoins, and OBC is one of them. One Basis Cash is the first coin developed using the IWI algorithm and based on the Ecological Public Chain of Binance Smart Chain (BSC), but more on that later!

One Basis Cash’s cutting-edge algorithm automatically issues surplus coins when the price rises and purchases coins when the price falls. This method enables OBC to maintain a steady pricing regardless of market changes. It also creates a true sense of decentralization.

One Basis Cash (OBC) is a native encrypted cryptocurrency that belongs to the fourth generation of stablecoins. OBC integrates the Basecoin design of previous generations with liquid mining and flexible coins. OBC takes a novel method in which, rather than focusing on global modifications via smart contracts, the algorithm encourages user behavior through economic incentives.

One Basis Cash (OBC) is currently built on the Binance Smart Chain (CBC). It is a fully decentralized system and transactions are allowed on the same chain. OBC is preparing to launch its three tokens (OBC, OBS, and OBB), and it will use the YFI-designed distribution infrastructure.

This, however, is only the top of the iceberg. OBC includes a number of fascinating features. Visit our website to learn more!

Why should YOU invest in OBC?

Are you sick of the crypto market’s ups and downs? We’ve got the ideal answer for you! One Basis Cash is an algorithmically stable coin that uses a never-before-used algorithm. We are incorporating innovation with the incentive of creating a fully decentralized ecosystem. We accomplish this by basing OBC on the Binance Smart Chain’s ecological chain. Our ecosystem is evolving into the first-ever DeFi stablecoin.

Aside from providing originality to the crypto market, OBC has a number of other advantages. The following is a summary of the benefits of investing in OBC:

1. The Ecological Chain of BSC is a huge network, with a gigantic userbase; hence, most of the transactions are within the network. This makes transactions extremely fast.

2. BSC’s DeFi structure is technically advanced, therefore transactions can be completed quickly.

3. OBC adds an extra layer of security to the already secure BSC network. Consequently, you can conduct any type of transaction with confidence.

4. Our ecosystem is cultivated to keep the handling and operational costs low.

5. To benefit investors, gas usage is efficiently tracked using a smart monitoring system.

6. Our crew is highly qualified, skilled, and caring towards our coin holders. As a result, they will ensure that user assets are safeguarded at all times.

7. It is simple for users to stake or mine. Mining with OBC, on the other hand, is unique, user-friendly, and time-saving. We have a fair mining technique that can go through a block in three seconds.

8. We have already tied knots and have partnerships with several projects based on BSC, allowing our users to benefit from them too. Our users can gain significant revenue from them!

9. We intend to stabilize DeFi coins by improving the ecological chain of BSC.

What kinds of tokens does One Basis Cash offer?

One Binance Cash is a new initiative implementing the YFiONE distribution mechanism. We recently announced the launch of our three coins. Our coins are of three types and each one has different benefits and different launch supplies. As we are based on real currency, our goal is to bump our basic cash equivalent to the price of one USD. We accomplish this by adhering to a paradigm that includes inflation and deflation, but more on that later.

Our tokens are as follows:


Our stable currency is One Base Cash, abbreviated as OBC. It has a 1 USD anchor value. Mining incentives can be obtained in as little as five days for coin holders. OBC tokens are based on actual dollars, which implies that one OBC equals one USD. A total of 5000 OBC can easily be mined in our stable coin pool.


One Basis Share, or OBS, is our stock-based token. Our equities adhere the Fed voting and dividends rights. OBS is our equity currency, and it is used in our LP liquidity pool. We have currently issued 98000 pieces, and holders will be eligible for mining prizes in two years. Holders can also stake OBS in order to receive OBC dividends.


Our token for US dollar bonds is OBB, which stands for One Basis Bond. It can be used to swap OBB bonds. These tokens collaborate to ensure the stability of our ecosystem. Here’s a breakdown of our process:

1. Holders can purchase OBB at the price of OBC*OBC when the transaction price of OBC is less than 0.95 USD. For example, if OBC=0.7 USD, the price of OBB will be 0.49 USD automatically. As a result, if 1 OBC=0.07, 1 OBB=0.49 USD.

2. When the price of OBC rises above 1 USD, the acquired bonds or OBB can be redeemed at a one-to-one ratio.

3. When the OBC transaction price exceeds 1 USD, OBB contracts are immediately redeemed. This is done to adjust the OBC pricing.

4. However, if the price of OBC remains greater than 1 USD, the contract releases a new OBC. This procedure redeems an OBB and distributes it to OBS holders.

This is a high-level OBC framework mechanism. There are numerous other technicalities that are detailed in our whitepaper. If you are interested in knowing the nitty-gritty, then rush to our website!




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